The UK's Largest Community of Business Buyers

Resources, Training, Advice & Support For Entrepreneurs Who Want to Buy, Grow or Sell Businesses

If  you've started the M&A process but need some support, have questions but no one to ask, or you've tried other programmes and lost your focus - you're now in the right place. You've found your tribe. 

What is The Club?

The Club is THE community for people who want to learn more about acquisitions or business growth. It was established to provide the opportunity to learn, grow and build your network alongside other like-minded people.

  • Support: Acquisitions can be a lonely place on your own - get the support you need to succeed without spending fortunes on a course. 
  • ​Knowledge: We've built 20 years of knowledge and experience into our huge resources library, so you can avoid the pitfalls.
  • Experts: Get access to our Power Team of M&A experts, without having to search around endlessly.
  • Community: Surround yourself with people who are actively buying and selling businesses.
And you don't need to buy anything else from us - ever!

Take the short cut with Guy

Meet Guy Bartlett, the visionary Founder of the Business Buyers Club, a seasoned entrepreneur. With a remarkable track record, Guy has not only advised industry giants like Sainsbury’s, JD Sports, and Iceland Foods but he's also created 3 separate multi-million-pound businesses from the ground up.

Having personally successfully acquired 5 companies with over £7 million in revenues, Guy decided to share his wealth of knowledge by establishing The Business Buyers Club in 2014.

Guy's commitment to UK SMEs extends beyond mentorship, as he actively continues to invest in profitable businesses. Having grown The Club, he continues to use his direct and personal experiences.  Between 2017 and 2021 he acquired a portfolio with £16 million of revenues and Club members have completed deals totalling an impressive £145 million and counting - proof that the processes he shares and teaches really work.   

Better still Guy is personally still acquiring and he openly shares ALL of the latest and best techniques he personally uses with all Club members.

So now it's your turn!

With Guy Bartlett and his Network as your guide, you're not just learning; you're unlocking the opportunity to be in the top 1% of entrepreneurs

When you join The Club you get Full & Immediate Access To:

The Business Buyers Resource Centre

How do you tap into Guy's 20 years of M&A knowledge and experience, mistakes and successes? 

We found the solution - we downloaded Guy's brain! 

The Business Buyers Resource Centre is a huge vault of M&A insights, tips and FAQs on all aspects of buying a business including: Mindset and Preparation, Positioning, Marketing and Deal Flow, Valuations and Deal Structuring, Completing a Deal and Post Acquisition Advice, alongside videos and downloads collated throughout our 10 years of doing deals alongside working with business buyers. 

Exclusive Member Discounts

Throughout the year we host events including M&A networking events and one-day Masterclasses. As a Club member you benefit from early previews, discounted tickets and access to recordings from the day. 

We'll also pass on offers from the numerous experts we work with including financial profilers, data suppliers, marketing consultants and even book writing coaches!

NEW IN 2024:  For the first time ever, our Members can now access our world-leading distance learning programmes should you decide to boost your knowledge in a more structured way. 

Exclusively for members of The 50 Club only (Coming Aug 2024)

If you currently run a 7 or 8 figure business (or you can convince us that you have the necessary experience to run an acquired 7 figure plus business successfully) you can apply to join The 50 Club.  A truly unique M&A "eco-system" deliberately limited to only 50 Members to maintain exclusivity.

Access to off market companies for sale, with carefully coached Sellers without the "deal prevention police" we encounter all too often!  Private meetings and coaching support with access to the most powerful network of professional advisors ever assembled.  The 50 Club isn't a hackneyed old mastermind group, it's a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Weekly Club Community Call

Join your fellow Members, Guy and his team together with guest hosts from our exclusive Power Team - on live calls. Absorb the latest insights from M&A lawyers, business brokers, funders and other experts on a wide range of topics. 

It's completely interactive. Bring your questions, share your challenges and supercharge your M&A knowledge as you hear about deals in progress and how members are getting on post acquisition. 

It will soon become the most lively and transformative hour of your week!

Community Call Recordings Library

Buckle up for a deep dive into our vast library of Club call recordings. There's a huge amount of learning in here. Search for specific topics, watch the whole collection or listen in podcast-style in the car, at the gym or whenever you need your fix of M&A insights. Like the Resource Centre, you'll find everything in here you could possibly need to fuel your business buying journey. The library is perfect for on-the-go learning too through the user friendly Club app. 

The Club Community WhatsApp Group

Sometimes you just want to ask a quick question, get a recommendation or share something interesting with people who are on the same journey as you. Bounce an idea, get some feedback on a business, get some inspiration, ask what people think of an opportunity - whatever you need support with, you'll find our community has your back.

This is what makes The Business Buyers Club unique. You won't find a community of business buyers like this anywhere else. 

Join the conversation. Banter welcome!

Access Our Power Team

As you progress in your business buying efforts you'll reach a point where you need a deal team around you. Here's where you benefit from our Power Team. When the time is right, we guide you to the top experts you'll to help you;  specialist M&A lawyers who understand creative deal structures, funders who won't fob you off like the high street banks, tax advisers, recruitment specialists and even business brokers, who happily works with our members, knowing they've been expertly coached through the process. 

The Business Buyers Club is THE place you need to be if you're interested in M&A 

“This is your life. Do what you love. And do it often.”

Choose The Membership Option That Works For You

Who Is The Club For?

  • You're Researching M&A: We have tons of resources to get you started and a vast Q&A library covering all areas of acquisitions. 
  • You're curious: Understandable! M&A is a fascinating area of business. Come on in and satisfy your curiosity. 
  • You're on a budget: Also understandable, which is why we offer entry level membership at such a low monthly subscription. We want to make M&A knowledge accessible to all. 

Who Is Club Premium For?

  • You're getting started : Great! Our community is here to help you on your journey.
  • You're looking for your tribe: You've found us! Not everyone understands M&A, so it's good to be around like-minded people who get you. 
  • You're well underway: We can introduce you to our expert Power Team to move your deal to completion and get you over the line. 
Leave us anytime - but you won't want to!

You get all of this for the price of a meal deal - are you ready to change your life?

Join Our Community 

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Hear From Some Of Our Community

"Guy is an incredible individual, driven, focus and results orientated. He is a very creative business person and great people person. Fun to be with and not a bad skiier either!"

Simon Zutshi
CEO Property Investors Network

"I was spending a lot of time trying to work out if it was a viable decision to purchase another similar business. Originally I sought advice from my accountant, solicitor, business coach and friends but all were pretty much sat on the fence. After a quick conversation Guy was able to come back to me with a straight to the point reason why I shouldn't buy the business along with a number of other reasons why this was a bad move.I believe Guy has saved me a lot of time and money. Thanks again Guy!" 

Scott Clark
Co-Founder - Think Cloud 

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The Business Buyers Club is a trading style of Whitegate Consulting Ltd
© 2014-2024 Whitegate Consulting Ltd.